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Below, you can find manuals for a number of our measurement capabilities.  These manuals are very thorough; if you follow them step by step and read carefully, you should not have any problems.  The people who have problems the most are those who accidentally skip steps because they are trying to work too quickly.  If you feel that you have found a mistake or something isn't clear, please contact Michael Koehler at

In "Other Documents," you can find information about our training policy and how to set up an account on the online billing/scheduling software (non-UTK users should contact me at before doing this).  You can also find links to the IUCr round robin on quantitative analysis.  You can download the data and practice your Reitveld refinements.  There is also a link that will tell you the actual amounts of each phase in each sample.

Finally, you can find some good articles on different topics under Recommended Reading. 


Manuals -


Manuals -

X'Pert3 MRD

Other Documents

"Standard" Bragg-Brentano

XRD with PDS and reflection/

transmission/spinner stage

"Standard" Bragg-Brentano

XRD with PDS and XYZ Stage

Grazing-incidence XRD


Texture/Pole Figures

High-temperature XRD

(HTXRD) with Anton Paar HTK 1200N Stage

Fiber Diffraction

Microdiffraction and

Sample Mapping (coming soon)

X-ray Reflectivity

Residual Stress (coming soon)

Training Info for UTK students and staff

Methods for Quantifying Amorphous Content

XRDML file for oxide mixture, to be used with phase identification video

General XRD

Recommended Reading

User Scripts

McCusker, L. B. et al.  Rietveld Refinement Guidelines.  J. Appl. Cryst.32, 36-50 (1999)

Toby, B. H.  R factors in Rietveld analysis: How good is good enough?  Powder Diffraction 21(1), 67-70 (2006)

Lat_Phase_CrystSize_Strain - User Script - Used with the HTXRD batch processing video

PhaseQuant - User Script - Used with the quantitative analysis batch processing video

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