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Instrument Training

This page contains instructional videos on how to perform different types of experiments and how to reconfigure the Empyrean and X'Pert3 MRD to perform different experiments.  

"Powder" Diffraction - Empyrean
Reflection/Transmission/Spinner Sample Stage

This video demonstrates how to perform a "powder" experiment using the reflection/transmission/spinner sample stage, which is the most common type of experiment in the IAMM Diffraction Facility.  "Powder" is used as a general term for a theta-theta experiment.  In reality, this training applies to experiments on powders, solids, or thin films and is routinely used to determine phase identification, phase quantification, lattice parameters, etc.  This sample stage is ideal for powder samples as well as pellets/solid pieces that are less than 44 mm wide and less than 6.5 mm thick.

"Powder" Diffraction - Empyrean
XYZ Sample Stage


This video demonstrates how to perform "powder" diffraction using the XYZ sample stage.  This stage allows users to test samples that are more than 44 mm wide and/or more than 6.5 mm thick.  The weight limit for this sample stage is 2 kg.  As with the video above, this type of experiment is routinely used to determine phase identification, phase quantification, lattice parameters, etc. 

High-temperature XRD (HTXRD) - Empyrean


This video demonstrates how to perform a high-temperature in situ experiment using the HTK 1200N on the Empyrean.  Samples can be loose powder, pressed pellets, solid pieces, or thin films.  Environments include air, inert gas, and vacuum.  If you want to learn more about the two HTXRD options, please check out our videos on equilibrium and kinetic experiments.  The kinetic experiment video is a bit old and doesn't show all the analysis options; if you would like to learn more, send an email to Michael at  

Use of Automatic Sample Changer - Empyrean

This video demonstrates how to use the sample changer with the Empyrean diffractometer.  Sample changer batch programs allow the user to easily run a series of samples without the need to be present to switch each sample manually.  The user is able to specify which data collection parameters and file save path should be used for each sample individually; alternatively, the same parameters and save paths can be used for all samples.  

Gain Measurements - XRF - Epsilon 1

This video demonstrates how to perform a gain measurement on the Epsilon 1 XRF.  If 24 hours have passed since the last gain measurement, the Epsilon 1 can't be used for XRF measurements until a new gain measurement has been completed.  A gain measurement is incredibly easy to perform and only takes about a minute.  

Data Collection and Analysis - XRF - Epsilon 1

This video demonstrates how to collect XRF data and perform analysis on the Epsilon 1.  This video shows data collection on a loose powder, but the steps also apply to pressed pellets and solid pieces of material.  Increased sample quantity results in improved results.  

Aligning a Single Crystal - XtaLAB Mini II

This video demonstrates how to align a single crystal in the XtaLAB Mini II.  Data collection and data processing/analysis videos will be posted to the website in the near future.  

Crystals need to be no larger than 500 microns, preferably 300 microns or smaller.

Moving the Sample Changer into and out of Position - Empyrean

This video demonstrates how to move the sample changer into and out of position depending upon whether or not the user wants to utilize it. 

Changing Prefix Modules - Empyrean

This video demonstrates how to remove and install prefix modules for the Empyrean diffractometer.  This allows the user to change the type of experiment performed using the diffractometer.  

Changing from Line to Point Focus - X'Pert3 MRD

This video demonstrates how to change the system from line to point focus.  The system can be changed from point to line focus in essentially the same manner.  In the Diffraction Facility, point focus is utilized for texture and chi-stress measurements.  

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